Amin Ghafari

Contact details:
Computer Mechanics Laboratory
Etcehverry Hall
UC Berkeley, 94720 CA
Email: amin[dot]ghafari[at]berkeley[dot]edu
  • GitHub: Amin Ghafari
  • Linkedin: Amin Ghafari
  • Search and Sample Return(Rover)

    Project on Github

    An example of autonomous of the rover navigating from the algorithm

    In this porject a computer vision pipeline (using Python and OpenCV) is written to perform color thresholding, as well as perspective and coordinate transforms to complete the task of autonomous mapping and navigation in a simulated (Unity) environment for rover which is supposed to navigate its environment and find the navigable area of the map and ouput the results in a map.

    First the obtained pictures from the Rover's camera are processed to find the navigable area in the front of the rover. After having extracted the required data from the camera sensor a desicion tree algorithm is written to be able to navigate the whole environment and collect the valuable smaples that are randomly spawned on the map.

    For more detailes regarding the project you can find it on this Github repository.